To: jla
This is not just an unfriendly press corps. This is a desperate, evil press corps tasked with bringing down the administration by their liberal masters.
From the moment Bush was first elected President, they have had a single mission; to avenge the impeachment of Bill Clinton. There used to be a line drawn between the personal, and the professional. Not anymore.
Nominees are humans and as such, they make mistakes just like you and me. I would not want the world to know about some of my own mistakes, and I am sure you wouldn't either.
If the MSM thought they could use a nominee's personal information to hurt Bush, they would do so in an instant. Nothing is safe anymore. Information on anyone is available to anyone wishing to pay for it. That is the world we live in. Look what Chuck Schumer's people tried to do to that black Republican in Maryland. No outrage from the left at all. Nor would their be if someone's life was destroyed because they wanted to be on the Supreme Court at a time when Bush's enemies are out for blood.
985 posted on
10/11/2005 10:07:16 AM PDT by
Pukin Dog
(Sans Reproache)
To: Pukin Dog
Clarence Thomas and Robt Bork were pre-Clinton and their hearings weren't exactly free of personal attacks.
989 posted on
10/11/2005 10:24:43 AM PDT by
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