This post makes a lot of sense, and most of the information provided in it is very logical and likely true.
Man, what a frustrating situation.
As someone from Pennsylvania, I still have a bitter taste in my mouth because of Spector's re-election in 2004.
Things like this are the reason I would never survive in politics. It would be too tempting to rat out all the wimps, and thus lose support from the party bosses.
That's how I feel. We (the conservatives) have worked our butts off and have accomplished huge things in electing a R Senate, House, and President. It couldn't have happened without us. And still, we got little or nothing, except to slow down the inexorable leftward drift of the country for a few years--in fact, in spending and entitlements, our 'conservative' representatives turned on us.
I'm sick of being the R's embarassing second cousin. Yet the alternative--a swift descent into Hell under Hillary the Evil or some Howard Dean style lunatic--is even more odious. And that is what the R establishment counts on to keep us in line.
So I will hold my nose and support this nomination. I will organize my butt off in 2006 and hope that someday, we will reach an actual turning point instead of being able, at most, to just apply the brakes lightly.