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To: Cboldt
I'm inclined to believe that Miers would render opinins that are acceptable to my sense of how SCOTUS should rule. But I am very unhappy with the pick.

Then I'm confused.

76 posted on 10/07/2005 12:01:48 PM PDT by Ditto ( No trees were killed in sending this message, but billions of electrons were inconvenienced.)
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To: Ditto
Cboldt: I'm inclined to believe that Miers would render opinins that are acceptable to my sense of how SCOTUS should rule. But I am very unhappy with the pick.

Then I'm confused.

I prefer an open discussion of Constitutional principle; correct the overreaching by SCOTUS and other courts into hot-button social issues, the balance of powers between the Senate and the President, etc. But instead of a discussion on principle, we are having a discussion on "qualifications," "cronyism," and "stealth."

I don't like that conservaitism is reduced to stealth. It feels like being ashamed of conservatism, or being afraid that conservatism will lose in the marketplace of ideas. It comes off as "chicken" and "conflict avoidance," not just on the President's part, but also on the part of the GOP-lead Senate.

77 posted on 10/07/2005 12:16:23 PM PDT by Cboldt
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To: Ditto
Cboldt: I'm inclined to believe that Miers would render opinins that are acceptable to my sense of how SCOTUS should rule. But I am very unhappy with the pick.

Then I'm confused.

I'm also unhappy that the pick is a divisive diversion within the ranks of the GOP. I don't know if the division is deep or durable, but I don't like it, and it's GWB's fault for making this pick.

And while I believe Ms. Miers would rule according to my sense of constitutional principle, her bona fides and world view do not clearly show that to me. Not like the world view openly expressed by Janice ROgers Brown, for example, in her A Whiter Shade of Pale speech.

I've thought about the nomination enough to have fairly well cemented my objections - and I have always been open-minded as to predictions of Ms. Miers performance as a Justice.

Meanwhile, I'd like to see the GOP-lead Senate take up the debate and confirmation of Myers (9th Circuit), Boyle, Haynes, Kavanaugh and Saad. Myers has been out of commitee for 6 months. Why the delay?

79 posted on 10/07/2005 12:27:39 PM PDT by Cboldt
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To: Ditto
Oh, I also don't like that the pick can be spun as cronyism. President Bush and Ms. Miers have a long enough personal working relationship that it is not incredible to charge cronysim. That is another argumen that does nothing to advance the conservative cause, and defending a charge of cronyism has no upside. Bush loses ground even if he beats the charge. That's not a reflection on Ms. Miers, it is a reflection on President Bush.

I give President Bush the benefit of the doubt, that this pick has absolutely -zero- basis in cronyism. My beef is that the pick admits the charge.

94 posted on 10/07/2005 1:20:59 PM PDT by Cboldt
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