it's you're right to use an anology.
However, the more apt analogy is Bush abadoning the base that got him through the primaries and into office.
You know, those poor schlubs who give money, volunteer, go door to door, drag all their friends to the voting booth.
I'm sure the ones like that who brought "W" to the dance are thrilled he's over in the corner cozying up to harry reid.
Such people may well agree with we CONSERVATIVES on a number of points, but they are usually all too happy to murder the innocent to help out the strong ~ every single time.
So, give it up. We got your number. It's not a good one.
The ones bitching and moaning are NOT the ones who got Bush elected but either didn't vote for him or did only after bitching and moaning that he was not conservative enough.
Far more than the extreme Right of the GOP voted for him. He is NOT responsible to anything but the Nation.
He didn't take an oath to those who think they own him.