Thanks to all for reading the essay. I have been appreciating Free Republic from a distance for a while now and I thought it was finally time to leap into the foray.
This, along with other elements of the New Media, is an important forum for discussion. Rarely does one find a stand up place where people can freely express opinion with out fists clenched and jaw tightened, ready for the first punch to fly. You can't get this freedom in the schools, or universities, the brainwashed kids and the wacko Profs will shout you down. As a Vet, I attended college in California for a year and during that year I actually got into physical confrontations with other students and professors in class when they found out I was a military Vet who respected what other military Vets had done and are doing. That might be the subject of my next essay: Vets in College, Fighting the Honor Fight at Home.
Sentinel 507
well, if you do post again, please ping me....