Think it is a kind of turning the other cheek and comes from the 'Bush strength' and not from a perceived weakness. . .and is done with the idea of planting the seeds of 'good will' for the country. . .and because you do 'onto others. . .' and this response could be considered politically practical as well. . .
THAT said. . .and WHATever their reasons; the Clinton's are morally empty people and will remain that way.
We know you cannot get blood from a turnip; by the same. . .you cannot give blood to one either.
Applies to the rest of the 'empty Left' as well.
America will be better served to appreciate the truth of the Clinton's. . .and the Left et als, as well.
(oops on not editing) hmmm, all well. . .with the 'as wells'. . .but oh well. . .a bump for the thread ;^)