And here we all thought Jack Webb was dead....
What a horrible insult to Jack Webb.He was about the
*facts*! On and off screen.
No Mapes, it's not a "Jihad" it's a 'Vast Right
Wing Conspiracy'! How *could* you forget?
You find it "frightening that you and that scumweasel
Rather, and all the rest of the NeoRatzis at SeeBS
can't use forged documents to throw a US Presidential
Election to your DemoSocialist pervert subversive
comrades, without getting exposed???
You should be GD Glad that the Govt you are trying to pervert into being a Copy of the souless 'Soviet',
isn't more like what you want it to ne..or you,
RATher, and all the other deviate lying drug freaks
at SeeBS, would have all been dragged out of your
offices by your phoney hair, thown up against the
nearest wall, and be given a massive and acute, terminal dose of lead poisoning...the way your heroes did/do it.