Who said he did??
Look .. I wish he picked Janice Rogers Brown
Am I disappointed???
Yes ... but that doesn't mean I am going to just throw his pick out the window because I don't know much about her
I would like to learn more about her and her thinking
Why is it so wrong to want to know more information about this nomination before making a judgment one way or another ???
I don't get that
I now have the same feeling. I've gone back and forth on this since yesterday.
I actually woke up in the middle of the night and realized that if she's confirmed and turns out to be another liberal, I couldn't vote for Guiliani in '08 like I would love to do (if he somehow manages to make it through the primaries, which is unlikely).
Someone posted that perhaps the president was thinking of the court as a whole; that makes sense. The facts that she's a Christian and that she's chosen Bush's appointees are reassuring.
And I'm starting to really like the idea of having someone from outside of the judiciary, and outside of the "elite" group. It's a good thing if a member of SCOTUS comes from a solid red state background--a breath of fresh air, in fact.
/rambling :)
I hope she is in the Scalia and Thomas mold. Maybe Dubya has fooled us all again. However, it bothers me that Senator Harry Reid and other DemoRats said that HM is one of only two on Bush's short list that would not have been filibustered. That sounds like he let the DemoRats and RINOS make his pick. I hope my gut feeling on this is wrong. I still can not figure out why he did not nominate Janice Rogers Brown?