Not ONE word on the channel 9 ten o'clock news about a roommate! Only an interview with the deceased's father who talked about what a bright boy his son was and how he made explosive things since he was very young. He also said his son had definitely committed suicide and had done it in such a manner as to be sure not to hurt others---extremely strange interview, but I felt sorry for the dad. So did anyone else hear anything about a roomie? Things seem to kind of come and go in this story. Are you sure you were on channel 9 when you heard about the roommate?
I think it was mentioned on 9 AND 5. I watched 9 again at 10 and like you, heard nothing at all--and 5 of course didn't do news because of the football game. Let me check 5's website--I won't go to 9's site (same site as the Daily Oklahoman) because they have some kind of weird coding that my browser hates. Lately, they want registration too, I hear they're charging for it now, but I don't know that for a fact.