To: combat_boots
The game is over now. Given the fact that the bomber exploded across the street from the stadium, it makes sense that the media is supressing the story. We'll know for sure when they surpress the nationality and religion of the bomber.
To: jimbo123
"We'll know for sure when they surpress the nationality and religion of the bomber."
Probably a Methodist. Those damn Methodists!!!!
220 posted on
10/01/2005 7:47:28 PM PDT by
To: jimbo123; SVTCobra03; WestTexasWend; combat_boots
We'll know for sure when they surpress the nationality and religion of the bomber. That's why it's important for feet-on-the-ground information to come out.
282 posted on
10/01/2005 7:59:05 PM PDT by
Dr. Eckleburg
(There are very few shades of gray)
To: jimbo123
Who won the game? Coulda been the loosing team. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson