"btw, never fall in love with a politician or your own hype.. They'll both fall flat on their face in front of you eventually."
By the way, this statement of yours is hilarious. Aside from not understanding what you mean by falling in love with my own hype and having my own hype fall flat on my face in front of me, I'm amused at your suggestion about falling in love with a politician.
I have said nothing to indicate that I "love" Arnold. I have simply commented on some things he's done that I approve of. You, on the other hand, have clearly invested a great deal of emotion in "anti-Arnold," so much so that you can't even find anything good to say about an action of which you approve, and whenever someone says anything positive about him, you come out loaded for bear.
It's quite comical.
well, at least I got a hilarious out of you. :)
Oh, one thing, I do enjoy it when he travels out of state doing the business for the people, if that is any consolation.
Cruz'n BustaMeCHa trembles a bit when that happens and hopes nothing happens that he has to get involved in while aRnie out and about the globe.