Apology not accepted and not needed.
anonymity provides one a way of both revealing beliefs and protecting the person... and making a lot of enemies in the process and some 'allies' as well.
If we can't agree to have some level of civility as part of the discourse , may as well just go into a private chatroom and have at it, btw, I left chatrooms years ago.
When I see the same items ticked off as the successes of 2 years in the reign of aRnie, I am not distracted from his failings as well nor am I turning an eye toward the ultimate goal.
Many say aRnie is our best and last chance to turn things around. I disagree and am very upfront about it.
It does not mean I am anti-GOP and don't support much of its platforms and principles .
It does mean that I take offense at those who trumpet the party line even as they take it away from what was a very robust party in california at one time.
It may never recover and hearing some of what the Gub says, I doubt he is here to preserve or return it to what it once was, a beacon of hope and a path to success both as an individual and a state, and as a party that walked the walk.
The last few years have seen it lapse in meeting its past standards and strive as hard as it used to measure up to past accomplishments.
Some feel it must be more inclusive of varied interest groups, loosen the platform, support abortion and gay rights etc.
Something changed along the way, altho I don;t think people have changed as much as media and the arts have tried to change them thru their methods of programming..
I don't know that I can point to a specific event, others may offer their opinions if they like, but the old base or much of it is saddened to see how easily so many are drawn away like moths to a flickering light or a person who prides and sells himself as marketer first and made his fame as a flickering image on a screen.
I could go on but then I'll be accused of not being tuned into reality, but remember reality is to each what you make of it or view it to be. The trick is to not let it make you something you are not, ie; supporters of goals or an agenda that is not consistent with what has worked before, but was attacked openly and done-in thru apathy and/or intrigues at all levels of politics, thru no fault of your own.
"Many say aRnie is our best and last chance to turn things around."
I am not one of them. I don't deal in absolutes.
"Apology not accepted and not needed."
Whatever. One of the things that has drawn me rightward has been what I perceive to be more graciousness as opposed to those on the left. I guess that's not entirely true.
"trumpet the party line"
I'm not trumping any party line. Simply giving my opinions and engaging in debate. I thought that's what we did.
As for the rest, I guess that's a matter of opinion. Can't say I agree with it all but I don't see anything I can work up the energy to respond to.