Why is that bad news? I'd rather be a Republican voter who cares about the candidates and the issues, than a Democrat who (in fable) would vote for a yellow dog if it was in his party.
I'm not about to read through 900+ responses in this thread to find out if someone else questioned your statement, so my apologies if you've already explained your remark.
Actually no one has brought up that point; however, there was one person saying I make him sick because I'm not fighting for Frist (not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in china).
But back to your point. I believe most must have inferred what I meant by the point; however, I can see where it could leave one thinking I didn't care about character. My point was it stinks to have an opponent that can lie, cheat, steal, and rape and have no one care (on their side of the aisle); however, we hold our politicians to a higher standard, therefore, when one of them falters it's a big price to pay.