"It's all the people that left that are much further inland that evacuated that blew my mind. I have friends in Spring that are in Dallas."
Mine, too. And they are clogging up the roads keeping folks that HAVE to leave from getting to safety.
""It's all the people that left that are much further inland that evacuated that blew my mind. I have friends in Spring that are in Dallas."
Mine, too. And they are clogging up the roads keeping folks that HAVE to leave from getting to safety."
My Daughter (who is based at Fort Walton beach and now a seasoned veteran of Hurricanes) called yesterday morning and BEGGED us to leave our house - she was afraid our manufactured home can't take Hurricane I winds. She may be right, but we told her that we wouldn't leave for precisely the reason you suggested. We are far enough inland that we didn't want to take up resources that might be used by Texan coastal residents who need it most.
We will shelter in and do our best here. What the track takes inland remains to be seen - but we know for a fact that those on the coast are definitely in danger. They need to be given priority on the roads...