Wow, an entire article based on a false anthropomorphic view of genes squeezed from a metaphor, something that Dawkins was afraid (and apparently knew)would happen. Dawkins in 'The Selfish Gene' was very clear to state that it was just a metaphor.
With that in mind, consider the following representative statements made by leading sociobiologists. Richard Dawkins, easily the best-known spokesman for this movement, writes that we are . . . robot-vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes',[1] and again that we are manipulated to ensure the survival of [our] genes.[2] The same writer also says that the fundamental truth [is] that an organism is a tool of DNA.[3] (That is, of the DNA molecules which are the organisms genes.) Again, Dawkins says that living organisms exist for the benefit of DNA.[4] Similarly, E. O. Wilson, an equal or higher sociobiological authority, says that the individual organism is only the vehicle [of genes], part of an elaborate device to preserve and spread them The organism is only DNAs way of making more DNA.[5]
Royal Institute of Philosophy