I hate polls, but recent data shows that both Giuliani or McCain would beat Hillary.
numbers were something like
53% McCain - 45% Hillary
52% Guiliani - 46% Hillary
the 2% missing was to factor in potential polling errors.
And I believe it will be the same type of numbers 3 years from now. Those that will vote democrat will vote democrat no matter what. Hillary isn't going to win any new converts. The dems are going to grossly underestimate how much people are sick of the Clintons and don't want their BS-fest back in the whitehouse. Plus no northest liberal democrat has a prayer of taking the whitehouse these days. The south has moved steadily over to the republican side for many years now. Hillary can't win in the south, even if she grabs a southern running mate like Kerry tried, and thats all she wrote.
"the 2% missing was to factor in potential polling errors."
Or the 2% is Ross Perot. LOL