This fits in with the idea of compliance costs which are about a like amount but not included in this figure.
1 posted on
09/19/2005 3:46:21 PM PDT by
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To: pigdog
2 posted on
09/19/2005 3:46:47 PM PDT by
(I'm Only Alive, Because a Judge Hasn't Ruled I Should Die...)
To: pigdog
Well I figure I'm getting short-changed....and not getting my monies worth. So we are even.
3 posted on
09/19/2005 3:47:57 PM PDT by
Osage Orange
(Why does John McCain always look like a mule eating cockleburs?)
To: pigdog
Clinton said he wasn't paying enough.
4 posted on
09/19/2005 3:48:04 PM PDT by
(Finally an answer for the prisoner problem at Abu Ghraib: Don't take any.)
To: ancient_geezer; Principled; kevkrom; phil_will1; rwrcpa1; groanup; Bigun; Taxman; Kellis91789; ...
New thread ... come on in - that water's fine.
5 posted on
09/19/2005 3:48:15 PM PDT by
To: pigdog
There's still a yawning gap between what some taxpayers owe and what they pay, according to the IRS.Good.
7 posted on
09/19/2005 3:51:51 PM PDT by
(Proud member of The Flying Skillet Brigade)
To: pigdog
those who pay less than their fair share Who exactly determines what their "fair share" is?
8 posted on
09/19/2005 3:55:09 PM PDT by
(Rule Number 1: Be Armed)
To: pigdog
if Jefferson,Franklin & friends were around they would applaud
9 posted on
09/19/2005 3:55:14 PM PDT by
(the government should fear the citizens......not the other way around)
To: pigdog
So, when is the IRS going to partner with the border patrol to clamp down on migrant workers and the ones hanging outside of Home Depot?
To: pigdog
12 posted on
09/19/2005 3:57:31 PM PDT by
(Outsource Federal Judiciary and US Senate to India, NOW!)
To: pigdog
I'm working as a consultant for the federal government right now and I would guess that no less than 90% of the money that is spent is a total and complete waste. I know people who play solitaire for a living on the federal dime. I am daily astonished by the ineptitude I encounter at almost every turn. When I expect things to get done in a reasonable amount of time (based on my corporate experience), people look at me like I have two heads. Productivity is definitely not a government value, and there are plenty of people who don't hesitate to admit that the government is effectively a charity jobs program.
Yes, I know the previous paragraph seems a bit off-topic but I felt a reminder as to where that money would otherwise go (the toilet) helps to put it in perspective.
14 posted on
09/19/2005 3:58:55 PM PDT by
(Gentlemen may cry, "Peace! Peace!" -- but there is no peace. - Patrick Henry)
To: pigdog
Wonder how much our legislators stiff the taxpayer?
To: pigdog
the government is being shortchanged
19 posted on
09/19/2005 4:04:38 PM PDT by
To: pigdog
This fits in with the idea of compliance costs which are about a like amount but not included in this figure.
Let's see Hundreds of Billions of dollars of underpayment, and humdreds of billions of dollars spent trying to comply with the 475,000 (or whatever) pages of conflicting rules and regulations.
Hmmm... Maybe there could be a better way... Maybe we could just go with a simple tax system... Maybe we could just do a sales tax... or a flat tax...
20 posted on
09/19/2005 4:04:52 PM PDT by
(Raze New Orleans, then RAISE it 20 feet. Texas did it 100 years ago in Galveston.)
To: pigdog
Good. More money for the economy.
Let's talk about tax payer money that get's spent on items other than it was intended for --like in NO. Thanks CNN! ;-)
To: pigdog
When they start spending my taxes wisely, I will start paying the proper amount.
28 posted on
09/19/2005 4:13:05 PM PDT by
(Murder and weather are our only news)
To: pigdog
The major source for the gap -- about 80 percent of it -- is from individual taxpayers underreporting their income.Perhaps these taxpayers are just creating their own 'loopholes' since they don't have a lobbyist paying a congress critter to create one for them ;-)
33 posted on
09/19/2005 4:22:01 PM PDT by
(Allegiance to the constitution, always. Allegiance to a political party, never.)
To: pigdog
Tax cuts are good for the economy. Likewise tax evasion must be good for the economy.
34 posted on
09/19/2005 4:22:17 PM PDT by
Jeff Gordon
(With faith anything is possible. With science only the possible is possible.)
To: pigdog
Given the complication of the code, how can they possibly have any idea at what rate people "stiffed" the IRS?
35 posted on
09/19/2005 4:22:54 PM PDT by
(The DNC prefers advancing the party at the expense of human lives.)
To: pigdog
I'm playing the world smallest violin for the IRS
36 posted on
09/19/2005 4:25:10 PM PDT by
(Reformed Kerry voter (I know, I'm a frickin' idiot))
To: pigdog
Get Jesse Jackson to pay his fair share.
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