Here's why. Nagin waited too late to order a mandatory evacuation. After he did so, it was nothing but disorganized chaos bred by his obvious incompetence.
Now he wants the feds to enforce his mandatory evacuation after the storm and remove people those who stayed in their homes. He has threatened to deny delivery of food and water but the feds are still delivering it.
He failed at enforcing the evacuation prior to the storm and many lives were lost.
Bear with me a minute. It is entirely a different situation for a citizen to choose to stay and risk his life than "allowing" an Owner of a nursing home not to evacuate his patients.He should have went in and got them.
On another note, even his last resort "evacuation center", the precious Superdome was not set up to house the thousands.
Since the storm all he has done is blame the feds who are the only ones I see doing anything.
Workers don't work when they aren't paid and have disappeared. The City only had enough funds begged borrowed and stolen to pay the last payroll period. Now, he is scambling to try and keep payroll paid. Sheer negligence.
This State is in shambles from the long term effects of cronyism and corruption. Believe me, I know.
It does not matter what party holds office in the state, no one fixes the problems. Poverty is rampid, no one cares. The City has drown but it was already dead.
Tagline no longer fits.
Nagin has nothing to do with St. Bernards Parrish does he? I Thought this was S.E. of the city out past Chalmette?