Dead wrong. "If tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, it is both standing and fallen, and in every allowable state in between, each in proportion to its calculated likelihood." Dada Physics and it's confidently mystified victims! How many more pages of scientific publication, how many more textbook pages, how much more grant money will we waste on charlatans taking polite turns at the game of baffling us and eachother with their bullsh!t?
All that's non-sequiter, anyway. Wikipedia is good.
At least that is what I have read.
Well, I guess one could believe in the science fictional "many worlds", or in the Bohm's UFO-like hidden variable theory.
But one thing is for sure that there is no such thing as an unbiased observation. Wikipedia is all bias seeking observers.
Oops. Comma missing in that last.
Wikipedia is all bias, seeking observers.