Goodness, you're making some broad leap here.
Let me add context to my 'leaps'.
Remember CFR? The unconstitutional bill that no Senator would be dumb enough to vote for? ANd, even if they did, we had a Republican President, right? He'd veto it right? And, even if he didn't, SCOTUS will overturn it, after all it unconstitutional.
ANd, who can forget the right to own property without fear of the Government siezing it willy-nilly. At least we have THAT protection. After all the right ot own property is one of the key underpinnings of a democracy. So SCOTUS will honor the supreme sacrifices of those millions of brave Americans who gave ther lives to protect the Constitution.
Thank God for all thos government officals who are looking out for us.
I'll turn off my sarcasm now.
Sorry for all the typos. I'm going for a walk. While I still can. Haven't seen any government types coveting my place yet.
Let me add context to my 'leaps'.
Remember CFR? The unconstitutional bill that no Senator would be dumb enough to vote for? ANd, even if they did, we had a Republican President, right? He'd veto it right? And, even if he didn't, SCOTUS will overturn it, after all it unconstitutional.
ANd, who can forget the right to own property without fear of the Government siezing it willy-nilly. At least we have THAT protection. After all the right ot own property is one of the key underpinnings of a democracy. So SCOTUS will honor the supreme sacrifices of those millions of brave Americans who gave ther lives to protect the Constitution.
Thank God for all thos government officals who are looking out for us.
I'll turn off my sarcasm now.
Sorry for all the typos. I'm going for a walk. While I still can. Haven't seen any government types coveting my place yet.