To: RJS1950
Count to 4 and he will be passed out, count to 5 and he will be dead. I learned this in Marine Corps recruit training 35 years ago and they actually demonstrated this using me as the chokee. Thank God the DI knew how to count accurately and timely.
54 posted on
09/08/2005 8:32:21 AM PDT by
(Scrapple is not for vegetarians, those who keep kosher, or those with weak stomachs)
To: Cagey
CARPE DUCTUS [sieze the tape]
61 posted on
09/08/2005 11:27:30 AM PDT by
KC Burke
(Men of intemperate minds can never be free....)
To: Cagey
It was an interesting experience. He used a web cartridge belt that was knotted in the center. I went out in seconds and when I came to I was lying on the deck convulsing, looking up at him. Very surreal.
62 posted on
09/08/2005 1:11:25 PM PDT by
(The rats are the "enemies foreign and domestic" cited in the federal oath) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson