I'm in the mean SOB mode about this.
It's time to throw the racism charges right back at the Democrats. Who was the primary delay in the evacuation, and getting aid to NOLA? The Democrat governor (white) of Louisiana. The Democrat governor (white) of Louisiana ignored the President regarding mandatory evacuation, and refused the suggestion of putting the NG under Federal control, instead having a Clintonista run the "effort". And why? Because of political pettiness, don't want to be seen taking a recommendation from a Republican! Yeppers, petty image concerns are more important than getting the hard work done (got to put a /sarcasm after that sentence).
BTW, I'm white (polish-scots-irish).
Do the people of Louisiana now wish they should have voted for Bobby Jindal?
I was asking myself the same thing. Then I came to the realization that those things (they're not people to me - people presupposes a capacity for reason) are irredeemably stupid. They would vote to be sodomized all over again.