"I'd love to see Fox become a "No-Shep Zone"."
What is this dislike of Shep Smith. He has a glib style in his daily show and he is not to hard to watch (as opposed to the 2 guys on the weekend morning gig.
I have watched him during the disaster and he has performed, in my eyes, in an exemplary manner. Your thoughts?
Shep is fine... some are just a bit miffed at him lately becuase he jumped on the 'blame the feds' bandwagon a bit too early and a bit to harsh in some opinions.
Not really his fault the MSM pushed so far and hard on it and he kinda' got some of the stink on him.
Anyway I'm with you.
What is this dislike of Shep Smith. He has a glib style in his daily show and he is not to hard to watch (as opposed to the 2 guys on the weekend morning gig.
Last summer Shepard Smith publicly called John O'Neil and the Swiftboat Vets liars. He has never retracted that accusation nor apologized. Regardless of how he performs during this particular incident, that arrogant, dishonest and stupid outburst provided us clear evidence of his fatally flawed character. I will not forget.
My thoughts are that he, like Geraldo, has crossed the line from objective reporting to make himself part of the story.
Please understand that I didn't care for Shep's style before the hurricane. I find his writing style (reporting past events in present tense) amazingly hard to listen to and a mangling of the language.
But his performance during the hurricane, including his "dodged the bullet" comment about New Orleans, has been lacking. I have over twenty years' experience in electronic and print media - and I'd sooner watch someone else.