Lord knows I admire and love this administration...but, they seemed to have long ago forgotten that they live and work in a political arena.
Unfortunately for those of us who will be left behind in 08, they're the only ones who have forgotten this.
You are so right. This administration doesn't realize that they're in a political arena. That's why Kerry is president.
"Lord knows I admire and love this administration...but, they seemed to have long ago forgotten that they live and work in a political arena."
I agree. I think it's great they try to take the high road, but if they're going to do that then they need some Pubbies out there speaking for them. Not RINOs like Jindal and Vitter (have been disappointed in both of them).
Earlier in the week, I was wondering why Sid B (Hitlery's good buddy) crawled out of the woodwork all of a sudden. With the NY Slimes and some of the other LSM coming out against the Prez from the get-go (and not questioning the leadership or lack thereof in LA and not putting blame where blame should be - on the Mayor of NO and the Gov of LA), and it hit me then.
In essence, this is almost like another 9/11 (over a much larger area) and Pres Bush became EXTREMELY popular after 9/11 - his ratings were through the roof and stayed there for awhile. The DIMS don't want that to happen again, so they're starting earlier to try to tear him down and point fingers. They're hoping he'll lose popularity, therefore, the Pubbies will, too and they can get power back in the election next year. The finger pointing by the Dims has become worse as the week as rolled on - including race-baiting by the Black CaaCaa. Tim was disgusting today and I suspect Wolfie and the rest will be as bad. Surely Rove, et al must realize that they need to get out there now and do some damage control.