Scalia has been Chief Justice for 5 years, Michael Luttig was named {by George W} to replace him as an associate, as he himself replaced Rehnquist in the position of Chief.
[snipped for brevity] You forgot this one...
Former Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) began serving her sentence at the Albion Correctional Facility following her conviction for manslaughter in the shooting death of her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Mrs. Clinton's appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court based on the "cuckolded spouse justification defense" was summarily rejected unanimously by the Court.
Well, much as I might appreciate the latent poetic justice in that scenario, it is less likely given Hitlery's known cold, calculating nature. More likely to nail the junior Senator for something along the lines of suborning perjury, or attempting to subvert the Constitution of the United States...high treason, that sort of thing...
I would happily "settle" for a single conviction on her past or present bad acts - one of sufficient gravity to permanently discredit her with supporters, and disqualify her from elected office. Having her serve any actual time in incarceration would be a bonus.