>> I believe that a course of action you favor is both tactically inept and in very poor taste, and therefore, according to you, I'm a liberal. You're a fool.
And your course of action is what: roll over and play dead? You are the fool, sonny.
No. My course of action is to, for now, blast the Democrats for daring to politicize this horrifying tragedy. Then, after a seemly length of time elapses, point out the grievous errors made by the (Democratic) city government and state government. Point out that the Mayor was slow to order a mandatory evacuation, that he did not make thousands of buses available to evacuate, and that his police utterly failed to keep order and in some cases actually joined the looters. Don't say "it's Clinton's fault," that just makes you look silly. And certainly don't do it while desperate people are dying while awaiting rescue.
Oh, and one other bit of tactics you should learn: DON'T ATTACK PEOPLE ON YOUR SIDE JUST BECAUSE THEY DISAGREE WITH YOU. Sheesh. If I had a nickel for every time some idiot with whom I'm ashamed to be on the same side accused me of being a liberal, I'd have about $1.85.