Far Left and Far Right are right next to each other, because the political spectrum resembles a circle, more than a straight line.
I always dispute the idea of a "Far Right", and will confront whoever says that to me. I consider the notion of a "Far Right" to be a fabrication of the left, notably the mainstream media, just as "Saturday Night Special", which does not seem to have a real definition. If the "Right" is considered "conservative", and since it is an impossibility to become so conservative as to begin to veer leftward, then the convergence of left and right can never occur.
Now if you were to consider graphing ideological tendancies versus types of government, you would then get a horseshoe-shaped curve where the common Left would converge (near the bottom) with Anarchy. At the top of the curve would be us, namely; those who believe in constitutionally-limited government, and the rule of law, and who believe in individual freedom.