Wow. I had listened to the interview before, but hadn't noticed her audible offline insult. Seriously I think she probably wanted him to hear it. What's amazing to me is how arrogant this woman has become as a result of being worshipped by so many lefties. She is a nasty bit of work and I don't expect her fame to last too much longer.
It is so irresponsible, seditious, really, for the MSM to give this unstable, anti-American creature a giant megaphone during wartime. That is why the NPR incident is so interesting.
NPR's Neil Conan had the courage and the intellectual honesty to pierce the mourning veil. His penetrating questions took her off message and confirmed what we suspected all along: Cindy Sheehan ain't too bright.
I was struck by her overweening, suffocating arrogance. This foul-mouthed creature, who is putting the soldiers--and this country--AT INCREASED RISK, actually thinks she can call the shots. Delusions of grandeur in real time. It isn't pretty. She has even reserved her place in the history books. A first, I do believe.
After the Washington Post poll yesterday, and her own blown cover, I suspect her 15 minutes of fame is just about over. Soon not even Sharpton will find her a suitable photo-op prop and not even Rather (if he had a job) would touch her scatological, anti-Bush screeds. (By the way, has anyone else noticed that Cindy Sheehan has a very limited, very rigidly structured repertoire of non sequiturs?) A one(off-key) -note Cindy, if you will.
The question Conan only obliquely alluded to:
How does an anti-American left-wing crazy--or worse, a standard-issue lying leftist manipulator with megalomaniacal tendencies--or perhaps even both--spawn a hero who twice volunteered to fight for his country? How does one reconcile the Cindy-Casey dissonance?
Surely Cindy Sheehan must have asked herself the very same questions. And her recent behavior reveals what her answer must have been, namely, that her paranoic, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-national-security radical left-wing ideology and behavior likely pushed her son in precisely the opposite direction; her lethally dangerous, vile and seditious non sequiturs likely provoked Casey Sheehan to re-enlist after the start of the war.
And hence the guilt, which she is dumping by the fetid truckload onto the president, and onto the country. She is one dispicable creature.