Correct lets get a few facts on the ground here. The word that needs to be used is "disaster". When disasters happen plans often go out the window in the first hour. Thats reality folks. Look at Iraq everyone screams Bush didn't have a "plan". The facts the "plan" went out the window when the new realities hit. Thats just life. Whats not being reported since the networks don't even the resources to get people to report about Jeffeerson Parish for Gods sake is what went right. In spite of not much notice and because of improvemnets we learned from previous failed "plans" over a million people were evaced out of the in about 36 hours. Law enforcemnet from my area from all agencies were sent into immediate prestaging areas. How do think all those boats from wildlife and fisheries were there last night ion CNN. This is the largest Natural crisis in US history it appears. So to be honest this Governor as well as alot of hard working officials on the local level of both parties performed great deeds and are contuning to do so all over the state. Whats amazing is so much of the "plan" has worked.
Agreed. Well said. :-)
What's missing, and is a basic part of leadership, is a few short speeches listing all the things that ARE being done.
Perhaps the MSM just aren't reporting this.
One of the really rotten things about this disaster is that the victims can no longer hear instructions from authorities.