"I'm afraid this will go down as ANOTHER example of media over-kill, which someday will lead to disaster."
Yes, God forbid people get out of harms way. Lets have them all sit in their homes next time and maybe they'll really get hit...ARE YOU KIDDING? I'm glad they evacuated and besides it's a VERY GOOD DRILL for the people of LA state if this hurricane doesn't cause mega damage. Now they'll see the pros and cons for future evacuate plans.
yes, but there is also a flipside to that argument. if this storm doesn't flood NO, that tells us the odds of any storm doing it, is very low, because the convergence of a set of perfect conditions, is almost unattainable. and add to that they "they hyped it" mantra that will be leveled against the weather service and hurricane center - they will never be able to convince people to evacuate NO again.
She's right, ya know.
Are you aware that three people died in the evacuation yesterday? Yes, an orderly evacuation is always good procedure, but scaring people to death is overkill. Having a traffic jam on I-10 in the process is not efficient. The smart natives of the area headed south to Hwy. 90 along the beach and were zipping past some of the reporters on the beach all afternoon, while 1-10 was at a stand-still. There must be a better plan to evacuate NO, because their current plan assumes they will have 72 hours before a storm. That assumption needs to be adjusted dramatically.