Yes, sure Bush is the real enemy according to you, right?
I am sure you would be so happy if Gore or Kerry were president.
Feds propose working with state on border issues
Russ Knocke, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said Chertoff is more interested in a "comprehensive proposal" to deal with issues of illegal border crossing than solely questions of transportation.
I am so tired of that argument. By that logic- since there is no other choice better than Bush, we should put up with millions of illegals crossing our border.
Screw that.
Bush is horribly off base on this and we are all paying for it. It is only because people are speaking up that anything is being done at all.
"Yes, sure Bush is the real enemy according to you, right?
I am sure you would be so happy if Gore or Kerry were president."
Now go drink your purple Republican Kool-Aid.
I support the President.
But I'm not a "BushBot", unlike some. If the President's wrong, I'll tell him he's wrong. I consider it a moral duty.
And on immigration, he's WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY wrong.
You think he's right on immigration?
I am sure you would be so happy if Gore or Kerry were president.
Aw, come on! Aren't we past all that "you're a liberal" kindergarten name-calling? This problem is bigger than any one individual or party.
The future of our nation is at stake because of the immigration crisis, and everyone from the lowliest citizen to the President must be held responsible for meeting and resolving the crisis in a way that preserves our national constitution, laws, sovereignty, unity and honor, i.e., that benefits every American. Don't you Bush partisans get that yet?
Grow up. Our nation needs some real adults on this issue.
What flavor is the koolaid today?