When a property owner loses his land to the intruder for protecting it, it's time for drastic action. This should be a warning to other property owners on the border.
For fear of being banned or called a racist, I'm not posting what I think they should've done. But I wouldn't have been quite so nice as these guys were.
The gloves are off. This is serious stuff.
Precisely WHY we need Minutemen -NOt the Feds securing our
borders. AND WHY we need to hang together -or we will all be hung separate by these foreign Courts. None of the posts thus far have suggested the Judge lose his property-
as is being attempted with Souter's haven.The Judge ought have his home seized and turned into something useful -might I suggest a cemetary for the poor illegal immigrants that die trespassing?Dees if you please could be
under the cemetary gate post to welcome the damned.