While pointing out that it is blasphemous to refer to Buchanan's utterances as prophecies, I'll note than none of his economic predictions have as yet come true.
But then--insight was never a feature of the GWB-bots.
Using leftist rhetoric does little to convince others of the value of the Buchanan brand of socialism.
The fact is that while Buchanan is a sworn enemy of economic freedom, the President is not exactly a firm friend of it.
While I support the President's foreign policy and eschew Buchanan's blame-America-first inanity, the President's economic policies are quite open to criticism and I have criticized them frequently.
I don't oppose Buchanan's socialist rhetoric because I support Ptresident Bush - I oppose Buchanan's socialism because I oppose all forms of socialism. Period.
Were you paying attention in 1992--to PJB's convention speech? Wherein he predicted that illegal immigration, spurred by NAFTA, would be a crisis?
Were you paying attention when he stated that NAFTA would NOT "create jobs"--but rather, reduce US factory employment AND impoverish the Mexicans?
Were you paying attention when he identified the "Culture War" as the next great problem facing the US--and pointed out that this "culture war" was both internal AND related to the US' asinine immigration policies, where non-Judaeo-Christian-culture (read: Muslims) were effectively creating non-US-culture islands in the USA (not to mention Hollywood/MSM/Professorial-class bozos?
Maybe you're just a little too young to have known?
Of course, you define PJB's 'rhetoric' as Socialist.
Please demonstrate that Socialism underlies PJB's economic philosophy.
Well said.