This teacher is not distributing papers on "faiths". He is giving them copies of the real documents of our founding fathers. That is why he can do it. Although they mention God, they are real history. I don't see where Islam has anything to do with our history.
"And, incidentally, the school district also agreed that teachers can talk about religion in schools, even their religious beliefs that they may subscribe to, as long as it's done objectively and as long as the teachers are not trying to convert students to their particular religious beliefs," the attorney explains.If that's the case, and we're talking about more than just one vague reference to God in the Declaration of Independence, then it's more than just the past.
(T)he settlement in Williams v. Widmar... also allows teachers "to teach students during instructional time about matters involving religion" provided the content is compliant with district-prescribed curriculum and is not used to influence a student's religious beliefs.
If teachers are going to teach anything about religion, the schools cannot pick and choose which religions will be allowed and which ones prohibited. Nobody can "keep the Islamics out."