She was not a Kerry supporter initially. She was very much behind the President.
When she returned from meeting with him, she was very much behind him as was her family. It was only AFTER meeting with the Kerry camp that things started to change.
That's why you see so many letters to the editor in the Vacaville Reporter about her "being used."
They gave her and her daughter, Carly, a lot of attention and paid all their expenses throughout the United States. The other liberal groups jumped in, offering more. Obviously, she needed a lot of attention and set herself apart from all the other military families in town with whom one would only suspect she would identify.
Anyway, this explains why Cindy had not addressed this within her own town or tried to organize here but instead associated with the Berkeley "radicals."
I just wonder if there is a pic somewhere of Cindy during her youth spitting on soldiers...she certainly fits the part of a 60's throwback.
So you are saying she was bought off then? Makes her even more despicable in my eyes.
I appreciate your kindness towards her though.
Cindy and her daughter traveled with Kerry during his campaign?
I would like some photos of that. I never remember hearing about her until a couple of weeks ago.