When Casey died, the army representative went to her home and it was heartbreaking. He cried as much or more than she did. As did many individuals who served with him at Fort Hood. There is a little section of Fort Hood that they call "Vacaville East."
Vacaville is a middle classed town outside of San Francisco that hosts Travis Air Force Base. Any time something is going on in the world, you know it first here, because the town is "vacant."
Most of our police officers and deputy sheriffs are reservists and have been to Iraq. A good number of the correctional officers at California Medical Facility, the largest prison in the world, are reservists. Many of the retired military live here.
After 9/11, many of our young people left college and enlisted in the military en masse. Mostly in the Army and the Marines. When they came home, they would meet at STARS Recreation Center. It was full of young men and women home on leave this last Christmas.
That was where the daughter, Carly, of the Sheehans worked. Whens she was there, many ignored her after she and her mother started speaking out against the President and the war.
She was mesmerized by the Kerry campaign and their offers to pay their expenses while they traveled across the U.S. supporting him during his campaign. Often she was asked how she could it after his statements about Al Sadr. She was conflicted and could never come up with an answer.
When Kerry made the statements, several of us called his office and asked him why he would support a terrorist. There were letters to the editor about what he did. Cindy knew it. She knew that Al Sadr was picking up on Kerry's talking points and playing on them. We ignored the Kerry requests for support and stood by the President, for whom our children had the utmost respect.
It is difficult here for the rest of the family, especially with so many friends and neighbors who have family members serving. You have to remember, Casey recruited quite a few. And I'm certain Pat (her husband) is going through a very difficult time. I know how hard it is on Joseph Williams. He was shaking during the rally....as memories of the loss of his son, came back. It takes tremendous courage for him to come forward and speak out against Cindy as he has to again relive the past and fight for the honor of his son.
The Sheehan's statement to the Press was strong. They support our troops and they support the families who have children there.
Everyone knows this is not about Casey for Cindy. They know it is all about Cindy. Cindy has always been somewhat liberal, moving here around 1993 from Los Angeles and she pretty much stayed to herself. We attend the same church and she was not all that social.
We have one parent here, Joseph Williams, who has silently grieved and another, Cindy who has made a spectacle and not only brought considerable pain to others, but continues to jeopardize the safety of our children in the military. Two different families and two totally different viewpoints.
In our area, we have lost several soldiers in both Iraq and Afghanistan. We have had them come home, seriously wounded and only wanting to go back. Cindy does not speak for the people of Vacaville. It is a town where fences in her neighborhood are painted to look like the American flag, where yellow ribbons are magnetized to vehicles and where flags hang in front of homes.
None have stood by or supported Cindy.
Thanks for your two insightful posts...I wish you would start a thread so everyone can read them.
Yeah, it isn't it ironic that instead of the limelight being focused on a young man for his sacrifice to his country, no one will remember him for this. They will only remember his mother, used by Bush's political enemies.
Cindy went to church? Well, I guess church is a hospital for the soul sick, and from the language I have heard come out of the woman's mouth, she really has some sickness problems.
Wow, very powerful information.
I'm not surprised she was a Kerry supporter either.
I heard Roger Hedgecock (one time San Diego mayor turned radio show host)say on his show today that Cindy did not raise Casey. He was raised by his step-mother. I know he interviewed the caravan this morning and wondered of that is where he got his info.
I have no idea if this is true, do you?
Thank you very much for sharing your local experiences. May God continue to bless you and your family.