You remember wrong.
As to the 'mathematical proof'. There is no such thing. All I've seen is someone pulling a statistical analysis (out of their @#$%) of something that no one claims to understand. It's a correllary of the ID axiom that anything we don't understand is 'irreducibly complex'. Anything we don't understand is very improbable.
The final flaw in the statistical analysis is ignoring the numerator. The IDers spend pages constructing a flawed probability model for the simplest life forming (ignoring the fact that we don't know what the simplest life is). They finish with a 'viola, life is this improbable on earth' then ignore the number of planets in the universe life could have formed on.
By that arguement none of us can be here. The odds that the sperm containing our genetic information could fertilize an ovum are so small as to be laughable.
Only religion claims perfection (not that they have it). If something can't be addressed with the scientific method it is not science.
When you come up with a better way of figuring things out, let the rest of us know.