Excerpts. And online commentaries. I know what it's about, a dear Catholic friend has read it and filled me in - she loves it.
Well read it then ..then talk ..Its a make believe book , it's a murder mystery with very unbelievable characters in very unbelievable situations...But.It's well done and I guess it fooled your friends too ..So well done that even some stupid adults bought into it ..Please man ..its FICTION SOLD AS FICTION classified as FICTION..It's based on fact the same way Sgt Rock comic books have SOME facts in them ,like WWII, the same way Mobey Dick has some real places and events ..BUT ITS STILL FICTION.If you have friends who had their faith rattled over a FICTION novel then I question their fait and brains for that matter..Looking forward to the movie myself..I'm sure it will be great fun like the book..Get it FUN ..not an assult on Christianity ..FUN Make believe FUN