I happened to be walking past a TV tonight as this twerp was being interviewed on the NBC Nightly News. I was within earshot just long enough to hear two things: First, the reporter called him "part of a new generation of Democratic leaders" or some crap like that. Then I heard him spit out a one-liner insulting Bush.
I just laughed and walked away.
On the other hand, when Norm Coleman got in all I thought was 'Another Republican, that's all I care about," but every time I've seen him on TV talking I've thought "Hey, I LIKE this guy." Last night on Chris Matthews he was so refreshingly straightforward. Without being rude or reading from RNC talking points he put Matthews in his place and didn't run from straight answers.
The MSM try to create stars according to their arcane demographic codes, but the real stars are the ones people simply respond to; Coleman is "just" another white dude, but he's earned points with me for his INDIVIDUALITY--something "superstar" Obama has yet to do.