Crapola yourself!
"Whose dime are planning to spend on your dream anyway?"
Its an American dream payed for buy American Taxpayers.
Supported by the majority of American citizens and voted on by their representives bi-partisanly.
So its not my Dream. Its the American majoritys dream and we are committed. You are along for the ride unwillingly.
To sum it all up Space Flight is extremely hard to do (reliably) now matter how easy or routine NASA or RSA makes it look !!!!!
Supported by the majority of American citizens and voted on by their representives bi-partisanly.
So its not my Dream. Its the American majoritys dream and we are committed. You are along for the ride unwillingly.
Since you're so cocksure of the support of the majority, why don't you and your cohorts stop pointing guns at people & confiscating their money by force to pay for your space dream. Instead, setup a fund to which those majority citizens, that freely choose to do so, may voluntarily send their money to pay for your collective space dream.
Space exploration is not a legitimate function of government any more than gold ore motherlode exploration, or deep sea biotic exploration would be.
You're a thief until you setup the fund and receive voluntarily given funds to pay for your space dream instead of using force against me.
Stop Thief! Stop!