I saw an article several years ago where a construction crew in upstate NY (I think?) had uncovered a nest of timber rattlers and the eco-fags had promptly shut down the construction operation, or forced them to build a chain-link fence around it, or filed 184,995 lawsuits, or invoked an equal number of pasty-faced government inspectors... Or something.
(FWIW... I have a freeze-dried rattlesnake on top of my computer monitor at work, coiled up in "Bite Liberal" position, with a sign hanging around its neck that says "Hi, I'm Hillary!!) (no, I'm NOT kidding...)
I believe that was the massasauga rattlesnake, not the Timber. The massasauga is a state listed species throughout its range (except in Michigan)and a candidate for federal listing. Unlike the timber there are very few massasaugas left. Not saying they should have halted construction but if it was for the Timber then it surely would have been silly.