IMO, if they really wish to know who Robert's is, and I have hesitated to state this because I know their agenda, Roberts is G.W.B. had he chosen a career in law rather than drifted a few years then chosen the life of a politician where sometimes concessions are made in interest of a larger goal.
This statement of course will send them if they latch onto it into hysteria bringing up CFR. Except G.W.B. is a politician, he calculated the Court would overturn, it was a mistake but not an example of G.W.'s thought on the matter absent political calculations.
Robert's is not Rehnquist. He is not Thomas. He is not O'Connor. He is not Stevens. He is not Souter. He is not Scalia. He is representative of G.W.B's view of the Court in the American process. Those that hate G.W. will be furious. Those that have trust in the President's vision of the Court comforted.
Nor is he his father. G.W.B. is not the sort to leave this to chance. He is 100% certain in his judgement of this man or he would not have nominated him.
Great post.