But not of their country.
" But not of their country."
and you continue to spout your ignorance.
Not so...we simply place our country in the proper perspective. AFTER our homes.
I know it is easy to get caught up in all this Civil War stuff and let it color your view of Southerners. But your statement in post #334 is completely disgusting and way out of line.
I can't believe you would question the present-day patriotism of Southerners.
The fact that you show no shame in trotting out the old "dual loyalty" canard about Southerners says a lot about how you feel about your country.
By the looks of it, you only love about 3/4ths of it and could do without the 1/4th whom you apparently consider traitors to this day.
Again, disgusting!
This is likely the most ridiculous remark I've ever encountered by you, and I'm NOT a Southerner. Nor do I have any southern ancestors. Your reputation has dropped a notch in my book!
Rabble from Pennsylvania.
Post 334 - Wlat....'zat you?
Ridiculous claim, considering how many of our boys from the South are dying in Iraq.