To: Indy Pendance; Sensei Ern; LexBaird
Lex Baird wrote:
" ---- as long as society has to carry the burden of the dregs of druggies, it also has the right to try to abate the problem in any way the society collectively decides."
Sensei Ern wrote:
" -- Your opinion is exactly how I feel."
Society "collectively decides" abatements in socialistic states, not in our Constitutional Republic.
Advocating collectivism is as bad a political gaff as advocating prohibitions.
211 musanon
And "collectivism" is a code word for socialism, communism, et al.
213 Indy Pendance
Speaking of word usage, notice how Lex tries to give Society "rights". -- Our [governmental] societies have delegated powers, -- Only individual people have rights..
219 posted on
07/05/2005 1:06:45 PM PDT by
To: musanon
That whole society and collectivism stuff is scary. Read the
Declaration of Independence. I don't see any references to society, only men, as in individuals.
To: musanon
Speaking of word usage, notice how Lex tries to give Society "rights". -- Our [governmental] societies have delegated powers, -- Only individual people have rights.. You misinterpret me. I use the term "society" in the same manner as the Constitution uses "the People", not as the Government, as you would have it.
226 posted on
07/05/2005 1:22:07 PM PDT by
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