To: terycarl
When all Christians return to the mother church of Christianity, Catholocism, all will be well with Jesus, the founder of HIS CATHOLIC CHURCH.
Actually, I'm a Lutheran. If you can read the scriptures in your own language, then you can thank my church, not yours. That's "what's happening now".
And if you really want to get technical, I'd say that the Orthodox church is clearly the mother church of Christianity.
To: horse_doc
Actually, I'm a Lutheran. If you can read the scriptures in your own language, then you can thank my church, not yours.
That's a good one, I admire your zing. To be truthful, however, scriptures were written in the vernacular long before the Doctor Martin Luther's day, and that included English, well, older versions of English, at any rate. We do, however, thank Dr. Martin Luther for a very lively discussion about justification. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson