Posted on 07/01/2005 7:14:03 AM PDT by SueRae
"Social Conservatives" are the reason we have Bush 43 and a GOP controlled Congress and DON'T YOU EVER FORGET IT!
Should be noted that the rason Bush 41 couldn't keep his no new taxes pledge was because the democrats (i think Gephardt specifically) would not allow any money for our troops in Iraq during Desert Storm unless he raised taxes. Bush 41 was in a catch 22, his shouldn't have made the promise because the democrats no doubt were just waiting for a choice opportunity to try and get him to break that promise. W seems to have learned from his daddy's mistakes, let's hope the same holds true with the Supreme Court Nominations.
Heard Tony Snow discussing this with a guest on his show yesterday or the day before. His clearly stated belief was that Day-O'Connor, not Rehnquist would be the first of the current crop to leave the bench. The context he put it in was the marked increase in symptoms of Alzheimer's for her husband, and the accompanying difficulty regarding his care, together with her desire to spend more time with him.
Tony specifically disavowed any inside sources other than simply knowing that it had been tough for the Justice, but this was so timely and absolutely accurate, I can't help but wonder if he did have a source and simply was requested not to cite. I can say that his guest on his radio show was arguing Rehnquist, but Tony seemed VERY sure about O'Connor.
I am sure that Bush WILL nominate a solid conservative to replace her. I am also equally sure that this constitutes those shadowy "extraordinary circumstances" under which the DemoRats will see fit to excuse themselves from their agreement to give up/down votes without filibustering the nominees.
Prepare for the "Nuclear Option"!
Perfect!! We must have a true conservative by whatever means.
Yes he can.
How about a recess appointment of Newt?
Sounds good to me! I'd like to see the Libs squirm outta that one! Judge Brown would be a woman and a black woman to boot! Go Judge Brown Go!
Agree Bush hasn't "backed down" on appointies but he's not used the bully pulpit to force them thru either. He's allowing Bolton to twist in the wind and he let the nitwit seven do their dirty deal without a peep.
Whats wrong with Phyllis Schafley or Noonan or Ingraham, or Coulter or Hughes?
the way the Bush's have been buddying up to Bill, I'm affraid he might get the nod
I will be the first to say it. And it might be my swan song here.
I don't want Roe overturned. so there.
"Sad but true" BUMP
If true, the greatest news in almost 25 years.
She was an absolutely horrible justice, and Ronald Reagan's single biggest mistake ever in his life.
Sweet Liberty, if only it were true!
I'd take a justice who is a bit more conservative than OConner. That all. I admit I don't know enough about Gonzales, is he more conservative than Sandy? Other than his pro-Roe sentiments, which don't bother me as much as it does some here, I dont know much about him. Perhaps we need a thread on Potential Candidates, where we post info about them, and some opinion..
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