If we can achieve our objectives AND reduce the risk to US troops at the same time, so much the better. But the fact that Democrat leaders have not bought-into the goal of a free and democratic Iraq (many think we should have left Saddam in place), and assume that the fight for democracy and freedom in the 14-century backwater of the Middle East doesn't require sacrifice, their goal is ultimately one of "cut-and-run." Actually, their goal is to undermine our efforts in Iraq for the simple reason that they oppose Geo. W. Bush. In their incessant naysaying about our effort in Iraq, our esteemed Democrat leaders are actually endangering our troops even more because their high-pitched opposition to our effort there gives our enemy (which, is needs to be remembered, includes elements of al-Qaeda) comfort, and encourages them with the notion that their actions are wearing down US resolve.
Like Vietnam, our effort to protect our troops is tied to the "Iraqi-ization" of the efforts against the insurgents. Unlike Vietnam, we need to secure a stable democratic government and emerging democratic culture by not cutting-and-running.