This may be true for a parish school. However this is not a parish school. Schools here are regional schools and are financed completely through tuition. No support from the parish or the archdiocese. In this case the parishioners were not contributing enough (per parish priest) and he did not feel that they should spend money on a Catholic education if they were not giving a large amount to the parish. I am only familiar with one family who received a letter. They had 2 young children who wanted to attend the school. They had contributed approx. $800 each year to the parish and volunteered both time and talent as needed. They attended mass faithfully. They were not wealthy and were hoping for some financial aid. The priest refused to sign the parish verification form.
What a screwed up system!
All schools here are attached to a parish or, if a regional school, to the parishes in the region. The Pastors are responsible for the operation of the schools. Both the parishes and diocese provide support, with the diocese focusing support on poor inner city schools that are not self-supporting.
Every parish either has a school or is affiliated with one, so that everyone knows where their children are supposed to be sent.