"Our" land hasn't been our land for some time now.
Don't pay property tax, they take it.
They tell you how you have to keep it, what you can do with it, when you can do what you want with it.
Try cutting down a tree... Try building something on it...
The government is everyone's landlord - don't play by their rules they evict you.
Remember when everyone wanted "zoning" and now they are waking up to realizing that by adopting "zoning" they gave up their private property rights to the government to control! HELLO!
this is hardly an issue of failure to pay taxes, or laws governing what you can build on your property. I certainly don't want my neighbor to be able to claim zoning laws are unconstitutional and turn his house into an adult bookstore. let's stay focused on the issue here - eminent domain for private use.
#8 Good point! However I've been watching the loss of a free press.