From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots. --Thomas Jefferson
The thing we need to do is start a grassroots Property Rights Amendment to the Constitution. It should go something like this:
No person shall be deprived of their property by any government body federal or otherwise provided they have obtained it legally and have full ownership of said property with no leins or outstanding mortgages. The government can only exercise immenient domain where fully government fuded projects are concerned and the voters in the locality have authorized the exercise of immenient domain by vote. In such case that immenient domain is exercised, those individuals who own said property will be given fair market value for said property to be asertained by an independent asessor chosen by the owner of the property and any additional damages and expense caused by having to relocate such as in the case of a primary residence. This is just a start....but this is where we need to go. The Amendment can not have any loopholes and must take local officals out of the decison making process so the deck is not stacked and that the onus is always on the government not the owner of the property.
One of Mr. Jefferson's most eloquent quotes.
Also one of my favorites.